quarta-feira, 20 de junho de 2007

Phrasal verbs - GET

Olá! Vou começar hoje a postar os Phrasal verbs, começando com aqueles que usam o get.Vamos fazer assim, vou colocar o Phrasal verb e um ou mais exemplos de frases, e nos comentários vocês colocam o que entenderam do significado! Ah e se alguém se lembrar de mais algum Phrasal verb com get que não esteja na lista, por favor coloque nos comentarios que eu acrescento!

Lá vai:

GET IN: The driver got in the car.
GET ON: Only one of the passengers didn't get on the bus.
GET UP: I was still feeling sleepy, but even so I had to get up early in the morning.
GET DOWN TO: We really didn't find time yet to get down to these issues.
GET ACROSS: I thought my message got across to them.
GET OUT: After the bump all passengers got out the car to see what really had happened.
GET OFF: The door was locked and they couldn't get off the bus in flames except through the windows.

4 comentários:

Dantas disse...

Legal eu nao conhecia esses phrasal verbs....


setitout disse...

nice, but you oughta put get about, get along, get back, get on one's nerves, get over...

Anônimo disse...

nao entendi o get down to ;/

Anônimo disse...

Eu gostaria que vc colocasse os significados deles =]
vlw.. bjo!

Conjunçoes Subordinativas

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