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Cães farejadores são ameaçados de morte na Malásia
The Malaysian sniffer dogs
The Malaysian authorities say that they've received death threats against two sniffer dogs used to combat movie piracy. This report from Jonathan Kent:
Lucky and Flo are marked dogs. The canine crime fighters were recruited by the Hollywood-based Motion Picture Association, or MPA, to help Malaysia in its campaign against piracy and since arriving here two weeks ago they've acquired a fearsome reputation.
On Tuesday the two black labrador retrievers spearheaded a raid in the southern city of Johor Baru that resulted in the seizure of around three million dollars worth of illegally copied movies. Now domestic trade officials have told the MPA that they believe the piracy syndicates have put out a contract on the dogs. Industry sources told the BBC that the threats may be the criminals' way of signalling their displeasure to the authorities who've steadily been increasing pressure on their operations.
Malaysia's been among the top exporters of pirated films, music and software to Africa, Europe and North America. Lucky and Flo's early successes notwithstanding, the dogs do have their limitations. They can't distinguish between legitimate discs and pirated ones and despite their super-sensitive noses they still can't tell the difference between movies that are worth watching and the real stinkers.
Jonathan Kent, BBC News, Kuala Lumpur
marked dogs
cães marcados (aqui, jurados de morte)
acquired a fearsome reputation
adquiriram uma fama ameaçadora
domestic trade officials
autoridades nacionais de comércio
piracy syndicates
grupos de pirataria
put out a contract
ofereceram um contrato (aqui, uma oferta pela morte dos cães)
not withstanding
não obstante
despite their super-sensitive noses
apesar de seus focinhos super sensíveis
gíria para algo muito ruim