terça-feira, 13 de março de 2007


BABY-SIT baby-sat baby-sat ting cuidar de uma criança (babá)
BACKPACK ed ed ing carregar algo em uma mochila
BAKE ed ed ing assar
BARBECUE ed ed ing fazer churrasco
BATHE ed ed ing banhar-se/ lavar
BE was/ were been eing ser/ estar
BE able to was/ were... been... eing ser/ estar apto a
BE allowed to was/ were... been... eing ter permissão para
BE born was/ were... been... eing nascer
BE going to was/ were... been... eing ir (futuro)
BE interested in was/ were... been... eing ser/ estar interessado em
BE out of was/ were... been... eing estar sem algo/ fora de algo
BE stuck was/ were... been... eing estar preso/ encurralado
BEAR bore borne/ born ing produzir/ dar à luz
BEAT beat beaten ing bater/ vencer
BEAT up beat up beaten up ing bater/ golpear/ derrotar
BECOME became become ing tornar-se/ virar
BEGIN began begun ning começar/ iniciar
BEG ged ged ging pedir/ implorar/ esmolar
BEHAVE ed ed ing comportar-se
BEHEAD ed ed ing decaptar
BELIEVE ed ed ing acreditar
BELONG ed ed ing pertencer
BEND bent bent ing curvar/ dobrar
BEND down bent... bent... ing agachar/ inclinar
BET bet betted ting apostar
BID bade bid ding ordenar/ ofertar
BIND bound bound ing ligar/ atar
BITE bit bitten ting morder
BLEED bled bled ing sangrar
BLESS ed ed ing abençoar
BLOCK ed ed ing bloquear/ obstruir
BLOW blew blown ing soprar
BLUR red red ring enevoar
BLUSH ed ed ing corar
BOG ged ged ging atolar/ encrencar
BOIL ed ed ing ferver/ cozinhar
BORE ed ed ing chatear/ entediar
BORROW ed ed ing emprestar de alguém
BOTHER ed ed ing chatear/ incomodar
BOUNCE ed ed ing chicotear
BREAK broke broken ing quebrar
BREAK down broke... broken... ing descontrolar
BREAK into broke... broken... ing invadir algo
BREAK off broke... broken... ing para de falar
BREAK up broke... broken... ing terminar/ dissolver
BREATHE ed ed ing respirar
BREED bred bred ing criar
BRING brought brought ing trazer/ levar
BRING about brought... brought... ing provocar algo
BUILD built built ing construir/ criar/ edificar
BURN burned/ burnt burned/ burnt ing queimar
BURST burst burst ing arrebentar/ explodir
BURST into laughter burst... burts... ing desatar a rir
BUY bought bought ing comprar/ adiquirir

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