sexta-feira, 13 de julho de 2007

Friday the 13 th's word of the day: paraskavedekatriaphobia

"I'm not coming out of the house," Sharp said Thursday, before correcting herself. "I'm going to get my paycheck and then I'm not coming out."
Sharp, an 18-year-old sales associate from North Charleston, believes Friday the 13th to be unlucky, much like walking under ladders and black cats crossing her path (she's afraid of those, too.)
To her, spending the day outside might tempt the fates and perhaps result in a car wreck. "I don't go nowhere, for real," she said. "It's a bad luck day."
While most Americans consider Friday the 13th just another day, the fear that something bad could happen (being forced to sit through "Friday the 13th Part X," for instance) is very real for some.
There's even a scientific term for being afraid of Friday the 13th: paraskavedekatriaphobia. Try saying that three times, or even once. (Hint: It rhymes with "Share Us a Way Make a Try"-aphobia.)
The fear is pervasive enough in our society that there are several Web sites — not FDA-approved, mind you — that promise they can correct the problem in the time it takes to put new brakes on your car. Experts advise those who do have a paralyzing fear of the day to seek professional help.
Edmund Kern, associate professor of history at Lawrence University in Appleton, Wis., specializes in religious culture and the history of magic and witchcraft. Superstitions evolve through association and stories rather than meaning and logic, he said, and can be put in perspective by looking at the historical origins:
The belief that the number 13 is a bad omen goes back to the ancient Romans, Kern said. The fear of Friday dates to the 14th century and Geoffrey Chaucer, who considered it an unlucky day to begin a trip, he said, though the combination of Friday and 13 being a bad omen didn't emerge until the late 19th or early 20th century, likely brought on by the spread of mass media (we're always happy to help).
"There's no reason or rationality behind superstitions," Kern said. "I think superstitions persist because they offer some sense of control in a world that is largely beyond our control."
Courtney Palmer, a saleswoman from Charleston, said she used to believe Friday the 13th was unlucky until her daughter was born on July 13 last year. "I used to be (superstitious) until Jamie was born, and I realized her birthday was going to be on Friday the 13th every seven years," Palmer said.
She's still superstitious about other things, though. Her daughter broke a mirror recently, and Palmer can't help but wonder whether that played a part in little Jamie's cold or diaper rash.
Others fly in the face of superstitions. "Thirteen is my lucky number," Marie Sando of Summerville said. "I play 13 when I play the Lotto." She might not have won big money, but that's beside the point. Melissa Lee, a 23-year-old tattoo artist and body piercer says she intentionally does unlucky things on Friday the 13th to prove it's all a bunch of hooey.
"I look forward to it," Lee said. "I'll walk under ladders, play with a black cat, just to have people stare at me."
You just don't get that sort of attention on Mondays.

Modal Verbs

may, might e must são verbos, mas nunca terão sua forma alterada por conjugaão.
Para passá-los para a forma interrogativa ou negativa, não serão usados auxiliares. Ex.: May I have this dance? You might not like this film. The actors are not talented.
may, might e must serão seguidos pelo verbo em sua forma natural. Ex.: You must water your bonsai everyday.
Tanto MAY quanto MIGHT são usados para se referir à possibilidade de uma situação ocorrer no presente ou no futuro. MIGHT é uma forma mais hesiante, menos definitiva do que MAY, que por sua vez demonstra maior chance de que algo aconteça. Ex.: I may go to the beach this weekend (50% de chance), and Meg might come with me (30% de chance).
MUST é um verbo modal que demonstra a obrigatoriedade de uma ação ou situação.
Ex.: If you want to be rich, you must work hard, or win the lottery.
MUST também é usado para indicar uma possibilidade concreta baseada em dedução. Ex.: He is very handsome man. He must have a girlfriend.
MAY é muito usado para pedirmos permissão de uma forma respeitosa. Ex.: May I help you? May I step on the grass?

Question Tag

Question Tag é uma interrogação rápida que se faz ao final da frase; é como uma confirmação do que se diz. Se a primeira parte da frase for afirmativa, a segunda parte será negativa e vice-versa.
1. Question tag com verbos auxiliares.
He is a custumer, isn't he? (Ele é um freguês, não é?) 1ª parte afirmativa final negativo
He isn't custumer, is he? (Ele não é um freguês, é?) 1ª parte negativa final afirmativo.
2. Quando os verbos não são auxiliares empregamos as formas verbais:
a) do, does, don't, doesn't para o presente; b) did, didn't para o passado.
Exemplos: You know England, don't you? Você conhece a Inglaterra, não conhece?
She doesn't speak English, does she? Ela não fala inglês, fala?
3. Question tag com o future e o conditional
You will go, won't you? (Você irá, não irá?) She would come, wouldn't she? (Ela viria, não viria?) He won't come in time, will he? (Ele não virá a tempo, virá?)

terça-feira, 10 de julho de 2007

Frases para treinar seu Inglês

Political Quotes
Clearly, God is a Democrat.
Patrick Caddell

Funny love phrases
My love life is terrible. The last time I was inside a woman was when I visited the Statue of Liberty.
Woody Allen

Actor Phrases
If I ever caught myself dressed like that, I'd have to kick my own ass!
Adam Sandler

Funny quotes on life
As you become more clear about who you really are, you'll be better able to decide what is best for you - the first time around.
Oprah Winfrey

Groucho Marx funny quotes and sayings
A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere.
Getting older is no problem. You just have to live long enough.
I'm not feeling very well - I need a doctor immediately. Ring the nearest golf course.
Groucho Marx

Funny sayings
It is a scientific fact that your body will not absorb cholesterol if you take it from another person's plate.
Dave Barry

quinta-feira, 28 de junho de 2007

Como tornar seu inglês mais Natural - I

Olá pessoal,
Podemos perceber que mesmo com muito tempo estudando inglês, ainda temos algumas dificuldades, principalmente quando comparados a que tem o inglês por idioma nativo.
Analisando a fala do inglês nativo, percebemos algumas coisas que podem nos fazer soa mais natural. Hoje vou mostrar a primeira de cindo dicas para tornar o seu inglês mais natural!

1 - Use Get
é uma palavra usada o tempo todo no inglês nativo. Veja exemplos.
Estudante: "What time did you arrive?"
Nativo: "What time did you get there?"

"Get" pode ter muitos significados! Pode ser "take" ou "by".

Atenção: Muitas vezes confundimos o "get" com o "become":

Estudante: “I became angry when the train was late.”
Nativo: “I got angry when the train was late.”

Geralmente usamos "get" para situações temporárias, e o "become" para situações permanentes:

Temporária: "She got bored with the movie."
Permanente: "Ralph became a doctor at age twenty-five."
Errado: "Ralph got a doctor at age twenty-five."

Não perca as outras dicas no próximo artigo!

segunda-feira, 25 de junho de 2007

Phrasal verbs - TAKE

Olá Pessoal! Continuando a lista dos Phrasal verbs, hoje estou colocando alguns com o verbo take e os exemplos! Como da outra vez, vocês devem colocar nos comentários o que entenderam do significado ou algum Phrasal verb diferente! Vamos lá!

TAKE OVER = Half an hour later and they they were already taking over the situation.
TAKE AFTER = Her new-born baby takes much after her.
TAKE UP = I saw he's taking up golf lessons now.

E não deixem de votar na nossa enquete ao lado para nos ajudar a selecionar os temas para o Blog!

quinta-feira, 21 de junho de 2007


Olá pessoal! Pensando sempre em melhorar o conteúdo do Blog, colocamos uma enquete sobre o que você busca no site! Respondam pois isso vai ajudar muito a selecionar os proximos tópicos!
Se tem alguma coisa que você gostaria de ver mas não encontrou, deixe nos comentarios, ou coloque no outros da enquete que teremos prazer em procurar e ajudar!
Contamos com vocês!

Conjunçoes Subordinativas

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