quarta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2009

Ditados Populares em inglês

Ditados Populares em inglês

A bird in the hand
is worth two in the bush.
A blessing in disguise.
A burnt child fears the fire.

A chain is only as strong as
its weakest link.
A close mouth catches no flies.
A hard nut to crack.
A man is known
by the company he keeps.
A picture is worth a thousand words.
A word to the wise is enough.

All good things must come to an end.
Among the blind
a one-eyed man is king.
An ounce of prevention
is worth a pound of cure.
As the twig is bent,
so is the tree inclined.
Barking dogs seldom bite.
Beauty is not in the face;
beauty is a light in the heart.
Behind every great man
there is a great woman.
Better alone than in bad company.
Better late than never.
Better safe than sorry.
Better to ask the way than go astray.
Business is business.
Do not judge by appearances.
Looks can be deceiving.
Don't count your chickens
before they've hatched.
Don't wash your dirty linen in public.
Finders keepers, losers weepers.
Good things come in
small packages.
Good things come to those who wait.
Haste is the enemy of perfection.
He was caught in his own web/trap.
He who laughs last, laughs best.
He who lives by the sword,
shall die by the sword.
It’s no use crying over
spilt milk.
It’s too good to be true.
It's a double-edged sword.
Justice delays, but it does not fail
Kill two birds
with one stone.
Life is not a bed of roses.
Love is blind.
Make a storm in a teacup.
No one is a prophet in his own country.
Not all that glitters is gold.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Opportunity makes thieves.
Out of sight, out of mind.
Practice makes perfect.
Silence implies consent.
Slow and steady wins the race.
The early bird catches the worm.
The last will be the first.
The road to hell
is paved with good intentions.
The road to success
is paved with failure.
The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
There's no smoke without fire.
United we stand, divided we fall.
Water dropping day by day
wears the hardest rock away.
When a thing is funny, search it carefully for a hidden truth.
Where there's a will there's a way.
While there's life, there's hope.
Who is worse shod
than the shoemaker's wife.
You can't judge a book by its cover.
You get what you pay for

Ditados Populares em Inglês tradução

Melhor um pássaro na mão
do que dois voando.
Há males que vêm para o bem.
Gato escaldado tem medo de água fria.
A corda sempre arrebenta
no lado mais fraco.
Boca fechada não entra mosca.
Osso duro de roer.
Diga com quem anda
que direi quem tu és.
Uma imagem vale por mil palavras.
Para bom entendedor meia palavra basta.
Tudo o que é bom dura pouco.
Em terra de cego
quem tem um olho é rei.
Antes prevenir
do que remediar.
Pau que nasce torto
nunca se endireita.
Cachorro que late não morde.
As aparências enganam.
As aparências enganam.
Atrás de um grande homem
há sempre uma grande mulher.
Antes só do que mau acompanhado.
Antes tarde do que nunca.
Seguro morreu de velho.
Quem tem boca vai a Roma.
Amigos amigo negócios a parte.
Não julgue pelas aparências.
As aparências enganam.
Não conte com o ovo
no anus da galinha.
Roupa suja se lava em casa.
Achado não é roubado.
Os melhores perfumes estão
nos menores frascos
Quem espera sempre alcança.
A pressa é inimiga da perfeição.
O feitiço virou-se contra o feiticeiro.
Quem ri por último ri melhor.
Quem com o ferro fere
com o ferro será ferido.
Não adianta chorar pelo leite derramado.
É muito bom para ser verdade.
É uma faca de dois gumes.
A justiça tarda, mas não falha.
Matar dois coelhos
com uma só cajadada.
A vida não é só flores.
O amor é cego.
Fazer tempestade em copo d’água.
Santo de casa não faz milagre.

Nem tudo que reluz é ouro.
Quem não arrisca não petisca.
A ocasião faz o ladrão.
Os olhos não vê, coração não sente.
A prática leva a perfeição.
Quem cala consente.
Devagar se vai longe.
Deus ajuda quem cedo madruga.
Os últimos serão os primeiros
De boas intenções
o inferno está cheio.
É errando
que se aprende.
Quem não chora não mama.
Onde há fumaça há fogo.
A união faz a força.
Água mole pedra dura
tanto bate até que fura.
Toda brincadeira tem
seu fundo de verdade.
Querer é poder.
A esperança é a última que morre.
Em casa de ferreiro
o espeto é de pau.
Não julgue um livro pela capa.
O barato sai caro

quinta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2009

Some Exercises (enviados por um visitante)

Click the answer button to see the answer.
  • Carlos lost his key,
    a.isn't he ?

    b. has he ?

    c. hasn't he ?

  • Roberto read a book,
    a. doesn't he ?

    b. isn't he ?

    c. didn't he ?

  • The children always arrive late,
    a. don't they ?

    b. aren't they ?

    c. doesn't he ?

  • They never work,
    a. do they ?

    b. don't they ?

    c. did they ?

  • She hates maths,
    a. isn't she ?

    b. doesn't she ?

    c. does she ?

  • Nobody understands,
    a. do we ?

    b. don't they ?

    c. do they ?

  • Renato's bicycle was stolen,
    a. wasn't it ?

    b. wasn't he?

    c. was it ?

  • He's got nothing in his pocket,
    a. is he ?

    b. has he ?

    c. hasn't he ?

  • Everybody was laughing at him,
    a. wasn't he ?

    b. weren't they ?

    c. wasn't everybody ?

  • I don't think they'll come,
    a. will they ?

    b. won't they ?

    c. do they ?

  • Nobody's perfect,
    a.have they ?

    b.are they ?

    c. aren't they

  • The girl's parents helped her,
    a. didn't they ?

    b. didn't she ?

    c. did they ?

  • I'm right,
    a. amn't I ?

    b.isn't I ?

    c.aren't I ?

    d.aren't you ?

  • Tomorrow they're going nowhere,
    a. will they ?

    b. aren't they ?

    c. are they ?

    d. won't they ?

  • She'd like to have a chocolate,
    a. wouldn't she ?

    b. hasn't she ?

    c. hadn't she ?

  • She'd 10 francs in her pocket,
    a. wouldn't she ?

    b.hadn't she ?

    c. did she ?

  • He can speak English,
    a. doesn't he ?

    b.can he ?

    c. can't he ?

  • The boys' teacher opened the book,
    a. didn't he ?

    b. didn't they ?

    c. didn't it ?

  • You'll understand,
    a. will you ?

    b. won't I ?

    c. won't you ?

  • She's sixteen,
    a. hasn't she ?

    b. isn't she ?

    c. doesn't she ?

  • quarta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2009

    More Exercises

    Dependent Clause Main Clause Answer 
    If I have a party,
    If you could repair it,
    If the children are tired,
    If the telephone rang,
    If he'd taken a taxi,
    If he hadn't eaten so much,
    If you wanted some videos,
    If I won a lot of money,

    quinta-feira, 30 de julho de 2009

    Question words and Samples

    Question words

    Where do you live? In Rome.
    What do you do at weekends? I usually play golf.
    When do they take their holiday? In July or August.
    Which magazine does James write for? Wine and Dine.
    How do you travel to work? By car.
    How often do you make business trips? About twice a month.
    Whose book is this? It’s mine.
    Who (*Whom) do you visit in London? I visit my sister.
    Who arrives at work first? Anna does.

    * Whom is very formal, and is not used very often.

    quarta-feira, 8 de julho de 2009

    Procurando autores

    Bom dia pessoal, ja faz algum tempo que não postamos dicas de inglês aqui no blog.
    Visando a melhoria do blog estamos a procura de pessoas para elaborar dicas de ingles para o nosso blog.... com o objetivo de colaborar com a comunidade que estuda inglês.

    Interessados deixem um comentário com o email .


    sábado, 9 de agosto de 2008


    Most of the iceberg's mass is frozen margarita.

    Man, when I get drunk, you bet your ass I want a quesadilla. I write from life, son. I like this comic, because it strikes me as an idea I could see Matthew McConaughey coming up with. "Get me Paramount on the phone. Steve Zahn could voice a smaller iceberg that does a lot of weed."

    As anyone who has read this site for a while can guess, I fuggin lurfed The Dark Knight. I hope Marvel will look at the glowing reviews and the giant mountain of money Dark Knight made and realize they can make their movies a little darker. I want to see Spider-man punch someone's eyes out in the next movie. At least maybe have Iron Man do a line of coke off of a missile before he launches into action.

    Veja artigo completo aqui
    Apoio Tips For Blogs Belas Mulheres Hacker e Seguranca Mina de Blogs

    quinta-feira, 12 de junho de 2008

    Discurso Directo (introduction)

    1 O discurso directo (direct speech) é empregue:
    (a) para reproduzir as palavras exactas de um falante ou interlocutor;
    (b) em citações, conversações nos livros de ficção, peças de teatro, relatórios, depoimentos de testemunhas, etc.

    "See you tomorrow," Mary said.— Até amanhã — disse Maria.

    "What time is it?" John asked.— Que horas são? — perguntou João.

    Note que, em inglês, as palavras do falante ou interlocutor são colocadas entre aspas ("...").

    Conjunçoes Subordinativas

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